VUB, ULB and the Brussels Capital Region government announce the launch of a new Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good Institute during the Belgian AI Week of AI4Belgium.
Today, Annemie Schaus and Caroline Pauwels, respectively rectors of ULB and VUB, were proud to announce the launch of FARI the Artificial Intelligence institute for the Common Good. It was also endorsed by the Brussels Capital Region ministers Barbara Trachte and Bernard Clerfayt.
FARI is a unique structure that aims at gathering over 300 researchers in AI (amongst others the ETRO dept) and associated disciplines, around projects that could benefit the general interest. The institute will promote research on trustworthy, transparent and explainable artificial intelligence. It will also aim at helping the Brussels Region and its inhabitants address some of the challenges they face in various domains. FARI researchers will provide ideas and contribute to projects on transportation, sustainable development, healthcare services, civic consultations on AI and algorithms. Its projects will actively involve citizens and reinforce education on AI and its impacts in the region.
The institute aims at creating a bridge between AI experts, citizens, companies and local organizations. It will have three hubs: an Research & Innovation Hub, a Think Tank on AI, Data and Society, and an AI Test and Experience Hub.