Communications of the ACM – Holograms on the Horizon 22.12.2021
ETRO and IMEC built-up a reputation in the domain of computer-generated holography. This technology is key to providing high-end media content for holographic display and printing. Recently, ETRO presented a novel approach combining classical raytracing approaches in computer graphics and state-of-the-art computer-generated holography techniques. In an interview in Communications of the ACM, David Blinder discusses (alongside other researchers from MIT and the universities of Stanford and Cambridge) the challenges that are currently being faced.
Links to relevant literature:
• Signal processing challenges for digital holographic video display systems, Signal Processing: Image Communication 70 (2019) 114-130.
• “Photorealistic computer generated holography with global illumination and path tracing,” Opt. Lett. 46, 2188-2191 (2021).
Picture taken in ETRO visual testing lab