How to: Book a travel if you applied for an FWO travel grant
  1. If it is the intention, to apply for a FWO travel grant, then DO NOT use the VUB OMNIA travel platform to book your trip!
    Otherwise, if FWO approves your travel grant, it wonā€™t be possible anymore to get reimbursement for your travel, because if booked via the VUB travel platform, OMNIA will send an invoice to VUB and FWO only pays invoices directly to OMNIA, and addressed to FWO.
    OMNIA is not willing to make a credit note for the VUB invoice and charges a fee for re-issuing an invoice.

Here you find the way to book a research travel via OMNIA, if you want to apply for a FWO ā€˜Travel Grantā€™:
Financien – RESERVERING DIENSTREIS indien gefinancierd met FWO REISKREDIET ( => English

  1. OMNIA is one of the VUB official travel agencies! VUB has a framework contract with OMNIA Travel. (Which you better not use in the above mentioned condition!)
    Financien – Dienstreizen: voordelen gebruik raamovereenkomst dienstreizen (

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