… something useful and enjoy what she is doing…

Selene De Sutter started her PhD at ETRO in 2019. Since childhood she suffers from Diabetes type 1 and she received an insulin pump for treating this. The choice of following the Master Biomedical Engineering was obvious, so that she could develop technologies that would help people with medical conditions, like the insulin pump did for her. If Selene did not choose for am Engineering training you could have met her on stage, as she was hesitating to follow a Jazz training. Now she combines Engineering Sciences with music as a hobby.

The program creates lots of possibilities so that you have a lot of options. It starts general and you can choose options along the go according to your interests. It does take some perseverance though!

Biomedical Imaging was the course Selene liked most in the master Biomedical Engineering. A very visual kind of programming that showed its usefulness in practice immediately. It also became her topic for her PhD which is her next big goal. What will happen after the PhD is not clear yet, but she wants to work on something useful and enjoy what she is doing.

A golden tip from Selene: Working hard is important, but don’t forget to enjoy yourself at the university!

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