
Steffen Thielemans is a post doc research at ETRO who finished the PhD “Internet of Things as foundation for building automation, a focus on DC-based smart lighting” in 2020. The emphasis of the PhD is on IPv6 which is used as interoperable communication layer for heterogeneous wired and wireless communication systems.

"Automate the world."

It focuses on smart lighting but is applicable to building automation and sensor & actuator networks in general. Steffen is also experienced with aggregating IoT data into cloud-based software platforms and managing on-premise cloud infrastructure.

Research Interests 

Internet of Things and its optimizations like IPv6 multicast, routing and duty-cycle algorithms

Embedded systems with focus on IoT-empowered Wireless Sensor & Actuator Networks

Managing and utilizing Cloud and Edge infrastructure for aggregation and processing of IoT data

  • IEEE member