The current project is continuation of a 4 year project dedicated to the same subject. In the first phase of the project, we have concentrated on the common properties of image restoration, reconstruction and compression. The compression of still multispectral images, mainly ROTC (Region Oriented Transform Coding) and wavelet subband coding have been investigated. The combination of multiresolution compression schemes and final lossless compression has been realized by novel algorithmic designs. We have also made progress towards VLSI implementation of the DWT and segmentation algorithms for ROTC. At the end of the project specifications for an ROTC codec will be given. In the current prolongation of the project the research emphasis will be on compression and local quality indices, tuning of compression parameters for particular image types (e.g. : coronary angiographies, publishing, satellite images) multiresolution motion estimation for video codecs based on wavelets, VLSI implementation of the DWT/IDWT and development of a hybrid DSP/VLSI codec.
Runtime: 1994 - 1997