The aim of the project is to study, realize and validate a vector scanning near-field mm-wave microscope s-(SNMM), which will be very performing in image formation and resolution, on the basis of the fundamental study of advanced microprobes, original modulation techniques and sophisticated electromagnetic imaging algorithms. Unique in the project is that also multi-parameter illumination (frequency, polarization, angle of incidence) will be exploited to enhance the image quality. These goals can only be achieved due to the combination of the competences of the two groups. VUB/LAMI is expert in the field of opto-electronics and technology in the field of mm-waves and built up experience in far-field active mm-wave imaging. The introduction of more exact electromagnetic modeling in this field based on Maxwell equations is new in this domain and will be executed by Ugent/INTEC which built up a internationally highly rewarded status in the field of electromagnetic modeling and which also familiar with microwave measurements (VNA, antennas).The performance of the developed microscope will tested of a few case studies in different domains of science and engineering (electronics, biotechnology, material science (corrosion),...).
Runtime: 2008 - 2011