In this project we wish to bundle the know-how of the different participating groups. On one hand we want to tackle our common problem of efficiently coupling light in and out of our optoelectronic devices by studying and using nanometer resolution diffractive gratings. On the other hand we want to try and exploit the additional properties and effects offered by the use of such nanometer resolution gratings. The use of gratings for enhancing the performances of optoelectronic components is a key research topic throughout the proposed project. Therefore, an important sub-task is the development of fabrication and characterization tools and processes in order to suitably realize the range of grating structures necessary for the different components proposed in this project, with available technological facilities. Technological facilities available to the participating research organizations will be optimized and characterized for this grating fabrication.
These gratings will then be used to study and improve some optoelectronic devices. Among these are modulators for 10.6 µm wavelength, non-resonant cavity LEDs for infrared and red emission, resonant cavity LEDs and PIN photodetectors.
Runtime: 2002 - 2005