Publication Details
Bertrand Parvais, A. Alian, Uthayasankaran Peralagu, Raul Rodriguez, Sachin Yadav, A. Khaled, Rana Yasser ElKashlan, R. Y. Elkashlan, V. Putcha, A. Sibaja-Hernandez, M. Zhao, Piet Wambacq, Nadine Collaert, Nadine Collaert, N. Waldron

2020 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM 2020

Contribution To Book Anthology


We report on the development of mm-wave GaN-on-Si AlGaN HEMTs integrated with a 3 level Cu damascene BEOL flow on 200mm Si <111> wafers. Optimizations of the gate metal stack, contact resistance and gate length scaling to 110nm result in devices with a peak gm of 430 mS/mm and an fMAX of 135 GHz. While wafer warp was found to increase slightly through the processing of 3 levels of 1µm thick Cu metal, no significant deterioration was observed between devices measured at Metal 1 and Metal 3.

DOI scopus