Publication Details
N. Collaert, A. Alian, A. Banerjee, G. Boccardi, P. Cardinael, V. Chauhan, C. Desset, Rana Yasser ElKashlan, R. Elkashlan, A. Khaled, M. Ingels, B. Kunert, Y. Mols, B. O'Sullivan, U. Peralagu, N. Pinho, R. Rodriguez, A. Sibaja-Hernandez, S. Sinha, X. Sun, A. Vais, ne_list"B. Vermeersch, S. Yadav, Dongyang Yan, H. Yu, Y. Zhang, M. Zhao, J. Van Driessche, G. Gramegna, Piet Wambacq, Bertrand Parvais, M. Peeters

2022 International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM 2022

Contribution To Book Anthology


In this paper, we will discuss the progress that has been made in upscaling GaN and InP to a Si platform as well as making them CMOS and 3D compatible to enable the heterogeneous systems that will be needed for 5G mm-wave and 6G sub-THz frequencies for high-capacity wireless communication.

DOI scopus