The primary motivation within the research theme “Healthcare and Biotechnology” is to contribute with technological solutions to the improvements of people’s health and well-being, to contribute to the reduction of societal costs in the healthcare domain and finally to integrate more advanced technologies in the healthcare systems allowing the caregiver to spend more valuable time with the patient. Our activities in this domain are very diverse: advanced medical image analysis, digital health, comprising clinical decision support, more precise digital interventions based on augmented and virtual reality, neurophysiological and revalidation engineering (diagnostic and stimulation), multi-modal physiological monitoring through (inhouse designed) wearable (opto)electronic medical devices, including embedded electronics, and secured communication systems, affective computing and cellular and molecular sensing and imaging techniques.
The research activities happen in close collaborations with hospitals and industrial partners. Also, the aspect of global healthcare in low and medium countries is an important point of attention in this domain.