About ETRO


Making the most of its ambitious projects requires expanding the critical mass through the creation of national and international networks, through strong long-term strategic collaboration with partners in industry and research and higher education institutes. In this field ETRO has acquired the needed credibility, thanks in part to its expertise, vision, work ethic and professional attitude, entrepreneurial vision and leadership.

Within the university ETRO is a partner in the following (inter)university wide initiatives:

The most important partners are:

Joint Labs have been created with the following partners:

Structural Collaboration exists with the following universities and institutes

  • Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba via a VLIR-UOS project. https://www.uo.edu.cu/
  • Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia via NASCERE project. https://www.ju.edu.et/
  • CNS, Campus Numérique de la Santé, The inter-university e-health education and research center of the Schools of Public Health of Kinshasa (UNIKIN), Lubumbashi (UNILU) and Bukavu (UCB), Congo. https://www.be-causehealth.be/nl/
  • USMBA, Université Sidi Mohammad iben Abdellah, Fès, Morocco, educational VLIR-UOS project biomedical devices. http://www.usmba.ac.ma/~usmba2/
  • ATC, Arusha Technical College, Arusha, Tanzania, educational VLIR-UOS project biomedical devices. https://www.atc.ac.tz/
  • KCMC, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre and the KCMOCU, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Moshi, Tanzania, educational VLIR-UOS project biomedical devices. https://www.kcmc.ac.tz/
  • CEBE-UR, Centre of Excellence in Biomedical Engineering, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda, educational VLIR-UOS project biomedical devices. http://cebe.ur.ac.rw/
  • NorthWest University, Xian, China, Carbon based Nanomaterials and Devices for the THz domain. https://english.nwu.edu.cn/

Collaborations via joint PhD with the following institutes:

Joint publications with the following institutes:




Worldwide Network. Source: Pure.