Project Details
Project description 

For years industry was the driving engine of gaining welfare in the Flemish region. It is clear that this driving force is decreasing since multiple years: employment in industry is declining and the competitiveness of our region decreases. A second observation is that the demand for skilled employees in industry is increasing.brThe use of Augmented Reality (AR) to train and guide people in their work and give them the right information e.g. work instructions, safety guidelines and technical and status information on the right spot can contribute to gain knowledge, skills and more competitiveness. With the use of AR, they carry a digital work companion with them (wearable), which allows for instant overlaid projection of virtual knowledge and information onto the real world. This allows lower-trained employees perform more complex tasks and gain skills faster and turns today`s rather paper based organization into a digital factory. Or… one step closer to the factory of the future.brThe ARIA project will deliver a demonstrator based on the chemical industry use case and it consists of a wearable, equipped with AR-software, to guide a relatively inexperienced technician to his workspace while receiving safety guidelines. At his workspace the technician needs to perform some pre-programmed maintenance tasks on a specific equipment without the use of a marker. His actions will be monitored to alert potential faulty actions. Execution time and used materials will be registered.brThe ARIA project has the potential to create a new market in the way operators and technicians will be trained and supported during their daily operations, which will compensate the lack of well-trained personnel in the future.

Runtime: 2016 - 2018